Why sing with The Yellow Door Choir?
We believe that The Yellow Door Choir is Montreal's most eclectic vocal ensemble, singing widely divergent musical styles from classical to pop to world beat to jazz. Another unique element of this choir is that you'll have the opportunity, if you wish, to shine in one of the smaller, self-directed ensembles that have become a fixture of our concerts. For budding soloists, this degree of musical opportunity is not usually available in other choirs. Plus, it's really fun, and you'll make some fantastic new friends.
We welcome anyone who can sing, who loves world music, and who is committed to helping the community. Here's what you need to know:
- Previous experience in a choir and ability to read music are an asset, but not a requirement
- Auditions are usually held in early February and early September. Availability of specific positions (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) is determined by departures of existing members as well as the desire of the director to create new positions in order to better balance the overall sound.
- The audition takes about 15 minutes, during which you sing some scales and intervals to establish your vocal range, followed by a brief song or excerpt of some piece that you feel showcases your talents. We charge a non-refundable $10 fee for the audition process.
- We ask that you consider the Yellow Door choir as a serious commitment. Rehearsals happen every Wednesday from 7:20-10pm — rain, hail, or shine! — from September to May. We add additional rehearsals in the weeks leading up to the concert as needed.
- Annual fee for choir members is $250, payable in 2 installments at the beginning of each session. This covers the music director's salary, the rental of rehearsal space, and acquisition of the musical scores. (Members who are not able to pay this fee may speak privately to the choir treasurer to make other arrangements.)
- We also ask choir members to contribute their talents in other areas, e.g. selling tickets, designing concert posters, managing the website or social media, bringing food for the break, and keeping track of sheet music, as we all share in the administrative and creative running of the choir.