Community Partnerships

One of the most distinctive aspects of the Yellow Door Choir is its philosophy of sharing the proceeds of its concerts with charitable organizations. In addition, the choir has staged benefit concerts and free concerts, has given away tickets, and — to the delight of concert-goers and choristers alike — has arranged for bake sales during regular concert intermissions. Altogether, over 50 charities have benefited from the choir's efforts. These include:

AIDS Community Care Montreal (2014)
Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (2010)
Amnesty International — Rwanda fund (1995)
Auberge Madeleine Women's Shelter (2002)
B'nai Brith House, Cote St. Luc (2007)
Bread and Beyond (2024)
Breast Cancer Action Quebec (2017)
Camp Cosmos (2008)
Canadian Red Cross - Haiti Relief Fund (2010)
Chab Dai (2014)
Chez Doris Women's Shelter (2002)
Chez mes amis (1998, 1999, 2001)
Comfy Cozy Fund of The Montreal Children's Hospital (2006)
Cooperation Canada—Mozambique (COCAMO) (1989)
Cyclo Nord-Sud (2012)
Dans la Rue (1995)
Dawson College DTU Women in Engineering Scholarship Fund (1993)
Dawson College Scholarship Fund (1994)
Donald Berman UP House (2013)
Elizabeth House (2019)
Equitas (2010)
Equiterre (2009)
Eritrean Relief Association in Canada Inc. (Ottawa) (1990)
Friends of Bukasa (1995)
Garde-manger Pour Tous (1998)
Gaulin Foundation (2017)
Giant Steps Foundation (2018)
Grace Haven (1995)
Griffith McConnell Home (2007)
Guardian of the Amazon (1989)
Head and Hands / J2K Drop-in Centre, NDG (2001, 2005, 2008)
Innovation Youth (2020)
L'Abri en Ville / Queen Elizabeth Health Centre (2001)
Le bon dieu dans la rue (1999)
Médecins Sans Frontiéres (1999)
MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (2007)
Maimonides Geriatric Centre (annually since 2003)
Maison de la famille Mosaik (2013)
Maison Hérelle (2000)
Manoir Westmount (2004, 2005)
Moisson Montreal Harvest (1992)
Montreal Children's Library (2011)
Montreal City Mission (2011)
Montreal General Hospital Auxiliary (2012)
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (2008)
Moving Ahead Program of the Douglas Hospital (2005)
Multi Caf (2002, 2003)
NDG Food Depot (previously The NDG Food Depot) (1993, 2000, 2005, 2023, 2024)
NDG Loan Circle Program at the NDG YMCA (1996)
NEADS - National Educational Association of Disabled Students (2010)
New Hope Citizens’ Centre (2018)
Native Friendship Centre (1991)
New Hope Senior Citizens Centre (2004)
Oxfam Canada (Toronto) (1991, 1992)
Project Genesis (2007)
Raise-a-Reader (2009)
Rock Camp for Girls (2015)
Rosie's Animal Adoption (2013)
Royal Victoria Hospital Palliative Care Unit (1988)
SPCA and Urban Animal Advocates (2001)
Salvation Army
Santropol Roulant
Share The Warmth Foundation / Fondation Aide et Partage (1991)
Shoebox project (2016, 2023)
St. Columba Literacy Day Camp (2008)
Street Kids International (Toronto) (1996, 1997)
The Gaulin Foundation (2017)
The Shoebox Project (2016)
The Yellow Door Project for the Elderly (2000, 2008)
Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre, Little Burgundy (2006)
Unitarian Church of Montreal (Ukranian Ambulance Fund) (2022)
Vie autonome — Montréal (2016)
Welcome Collective Montreal (2019)
Women's Centre of Montreal / Centre des Femmes de Montréal (1990, 1992)
YMCA: Jardin Vert program for refugees (1998)

©2019 Yellow Door Choir